十大彩票平台 荣誉项目 Colloquia

*请注意: The course offering will vary from semester to semester 和 year to year. Each semester there will be a listing of the specific 荣誉座谈会 和 Seminars being offered. No honors colloquia are offered during the summer.

十大彩票平台 荣誉项目 Course Competencies for all Colloquia 和 Seminars:

  • Investigate a topic using an interdisciplinary approach.
    1. 学生 demonstrates ability to evaluate a topic.
    2. 学生 uses ability to analyze a topic in various 和 appropriate contexts, 包括社会, 历史, 政治, 科学, 和艺术.
  • Conduct independent scholarly research
    1. 学生 demonstrates a strong knowledge of the research process.
    2. 学生 demonstrates familiarity with appropriate methods 和 sources for research, 包括图书馆, 互联网, as well as other appropriate sources.
  • Synthesize information from various sources
    1. 学生 demonstrates ability to compile research material.
    2. 学生 demonstrates ability to evaluate research materials.
    3. 学生 demonstrates ability to apply in writing 和 discussions information acquired through research 和 other methods
  • Development of critical thinking skills appropriate to an Honors Course
    1. 学生 uses clear logical patterns of thinking, argumentation, 和 questioning.
    2. 学生 is able to discern different points of view.

看到我们的 荣誉座谈会 courses当前的产品 in the current semester class schedule.